Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Some recent(ish) painted Bicorne personalities.

Oliver Cromwell

The Earl of Lindsey

Sir Edmund Verney, with the Royal Standard

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Neil Fawcett at the Wargames Journal sent me these spreads and the cover of issue 7, both of which contain some Artizan Cowboys painted by me. The whole photo shoot looks lovely.

Can't wait to see what the finished piece looks like.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Nearly finished Harry's book, will get my review up over the weekend.
In the meantime here are some lovely Front Rank British Heavy Dragoons, painted as the 2nd KGL. They will be seeing action in Spain and Portugal. My own contribution of a small Portuguese brigade will be hitting the bottle tops soon!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Check out top writer Harry Pearson's great new book Achtung Schweinehund: A Boy's Own Story of Imaginary Combat.

Here is the publisher's blurb:

"ACHTUNG SCHWEINEHUND is about men and war. Not real war but war as it has filtered down to us through toys, comics, games and movies. It is about blokes who spend their leisure time dressing as Vikings, applying transfers to 1/32nd scale plastic models of armoured personnel carriers or re-fighting El Alamein with stacks of cardboard counters.
Take a journey into a darkened backroom where HG Wells, a secret service assassin and the Bronte sisters rub shoulders with men called Dave who can identify 376 different WW2 camouflage patterns; a world where the apparent polar extremes of masculinity – brutal violence and the obsessive desire to memorise code numbers and create acronyms – co-exist peacefully in an atmosphere rich with the hallucinogenic fumes of polystyrene cement, cellulose thinners and bright orange corn-based snack foods.
ACHTUNG SCHWEINEHUND is a book for any man who can’t smell enamel paint without thinking of the Airfix 8th Army set, who remembers watching Rat Patrol, reading Battler Briton and playing Escape From Colditz. Or for any woman who has ever asked herself why the first thing most boys make from Lego is a sub-machine gun."

My thoughts, well I have read chapters 1 and 2 where Harry sets the background to his life-long interest in all things war, but no mention of gaming yet. Will report back with my thoughts on that after further research!