Thursday, June 22, 2006

I had a recent query from Jeff Lower about how I paint faces. So here it is. Hope you all find it useful.

Firstly Black prime, I use either GW Chaos Black spray or Humbrol Matt Black Enamel (leave this upside down for a few weeks to produce some thick paste on the lid, scoop out that and mix with white spirit to make it run better, use about 60-70% paint).

Two thin coats of Foundry Spearshaft brown mid tone all over the face - note unlike other painters I do not leave black holes for eyes, I find that makes them too stark. Having a mid brown gives a more realistic effect.

Then the basic 3 stages of Foundry Flesh, the key is the mid-tone, it should pick out all the major features. I do not like to leave too much dark lining, I prefer a nice smooth finish, hence the importance of the mid-tone.

Eyes are added at the end using Foundry base sand light – white is too bright, a single brush stroke should get a nice almond shape, then a dot of dark brown or blue to the top of the almond shape. Any mistakes can be tidied up with the flesh mid tone.

Lips are Foundry Wine stain red shade, highlighted with Foundry flesh shade.

And as a final tip, see Spencer Keen's website for a really good face painting guide (though I would take umbrage with the black holes for eyes!).

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